Spring 1999. Mark and Maurice decide to start a new band beside Office Killer. They ask Michael and Bas to join. The name SHIKARI (Japanese for bodyhunters) makes it appearance. Obvious musical influences from bands such as Mohinder and Union of Uranus. 2000. First gig in local youthcenter Simplon (Groningen, Netherlands) in January. In February the first recordings (8 songs) are made in the Kuschelrock Studio in Bremen, and are released on Deadlock Records in December as the “Robot Wars” 10”.2001. February: six songs are recorded in the Kuschelrock for a split 10” with Seein’ Red from Amersfoort. Another 3 songs for extras (the song Biela for a Spanish compilation, an Unbroken cover and another). June: 4 songs are recorded in Kuschelrock for a 7” EP to be released on Throne Records from Spain. September: Shikari joins AÇÃO DIRETA from Brasil on some dates in East-Germoney and Czech Republic. On 25 November is recorded 1 live-song (Ons Land) for the “Maximaal Onthaal” compilation CD on Royal Blood Records from Amsterdam. On 14-15 December the complete 10” (split with Seein’ Red) recording session is re-recorded because of deletion of the original tracks… 2 Songs won’t make the eventual release. 2002. April/May: UK Tour with Seein’ Red. Due to constant delays of the split 10” release, Seein’ Red and SHIKARI decide to make a special UK tour mini-CD. This CD contains the Shikari and Seein’red songs that were especially recorded for the (canceled) Spanish compilation. May: the planned 7” EP on Throne Records is withdrawn and will be released by Level Plane from the USA instead. August: the split 10” with Seein’red is released. November: the 7” EP is released in the USA. The European pressing will be done by Nova in 2003. 2003. The European release of the 7” is canceled because of bad pressing/quality. The US pressing will not be repressed. Instead, a CDEP will be released with the same songs and a videoconcert (look here for one song). March: 3 songs are recorded in the Kuschelrock for a split 7” EP with SIN DIOS on La Idea from Madrid. October: The CDEP gets officially released.2004. The split 7” with Sin Dios is postponed. 2 songs will be used for a split 7” with Phoenix Bodies instead, and is released in May by Electric Human Project. 7th and 8th April recorded 6 songs for the SIN DIOS split 7” and LOUIS CYPHRE split 9”. In August the “Your Revolution Is Not Much More Than A Piece Of Paper” tape is released by Antagonia Difision/Rebirth Records in Chili. In september the “1999-2003” compilation CD is released on Level Plane Records. The songs for the SIN DIOS 7” are used for a split 7” with ACAO DIRETA from Brasil. 2005. The “1999-2004” tape is released in Malaysia. Shikari split up in January and the final gig took place on 7th May in the Simplon venue (where also the very first concert was done). The split 9” with Louise Cyphre from Germany came out in July. WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Bas is now cooling down in a bluesband, Maurice jamming away in some garagerock and stoner projects, Mark still trying to work out a serious band and Michael going strong with Makiladoras.July 2006 update: Maurice is playing guitar in a new band called MARAT. Mark is singing in Grinding Halt. Makiladoras did their final gig in June so Michael is bandless for the moment. December 2008 update: Rumor has it that they might come back together and play at the Cry Me A River Festival in Germany in 2009 SHIKARI Line-Up Bas - bass (ex-Disengage, ex-One Day Closer)Mark - vocals (ex-Office Killer, ex-Orwell Nation, Grinding Halt)Maurice - guitar (ex-Office Killer)Michael - drums (ex-Puinhoop (voc), ex-Bloedbad (voc), ex-R.O.Conspiracy (voc), ex-Catweazle, ex-Tuco Ramirez, ex-PCP, ex-Makiladoras).
taken from last fm (links work)