As you are all aware musicbanter has ceased their file sharing thread. I understand why they did this. It would be very sad to see a decent community forum being shut down just because of one or two threads. What won't be sad is if this site gets shut down because of file sharing (I can always do another blog under a different name). If any of the usual file sharers from musicbanter (emo/hardcore thread only) want to up stuff on this blog then contact me and I'll see what I can do. I've already got STACKABLECORPSE on board - he/she has been uploading some decent stuff lately and it would be a crime to miss out on the stuff he/she wants to share. (Hey Stackable.... Female or male?!)
I have stuff I can upload if you want it. I work full time so I can only do 4-5 requests a day. (I'm also away for the next 6 days - enjoying Japan!)
I can't write a whole list of what I have but I can tell you if I have them or not when you request them. You can leave requests in the comments page and if anyone has what you want they can paste the link there as well.
i'm male and black.
Bardonodude, Ill help contribute as well =D. D'Amore-Discography. Two of the dudes from D'Amore are now in Peter and Craig after the drummer stopped showing up for practice and before that, the three of them were in Fall on Deaf Years. They have some really creative l'antietamesque instrumentals. But of course they're original because they came before L'Antietam.
totally forgot to post the link haha. D'Amore-Discography
In Japan for 1 more day. will up in 2.
Thanks Brandon.
oh yeah...do you have an image i can post?
I do have an image. Heres a link to their last.fm page where they have one live pic haha. http://www.last.fm/music/D%27Amore/+images/526171
Try that D'Amore link again
i may have made a typo or something
Also, they're from Philadelphia, P.A. Formed in mid-2004 broke up late 2005.
here are more pics for you
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